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Has technology made life better?

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New member
Nov 23, 2023
The answer to that question, I believe is an emphatic yes. It has made many aspect of human lives easier and more comfortable.
For example, it has made communication easier and more efficient. We can now communicate with people all over the world in an instant, thanks to email, video calls, and social media.
It has also made life more convenient, with online shopping, banking, and other services at our fingertips.
No doubt technology has improved the quality of life for all and sundry.
Do you agree?
In my opinion, this is also a big problem because people have become even much lazier and this cannot be called a shortening of life because this will only cause problems. In my opinion, technologies are developing too quickly and people cannot get used to it.
In my opinion, this is also a big problem because people have become even much lazier and this cannot be called a shortening of life because this will only cause problems. In my opinion, technologies are developing too quickly and people cannot get used to it.
If you forget the door opened or the machine working it will auto close it and save money even lights or anything like that.