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Where do you see the movie industry in like ten years time?

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Feb 26, 2024
The movie industry had started on the cassettes. After that we came to the CDs and the media storage devices in the likes of flash discs, now we are on the live streaming platforms like the netflix, YouTube, Amazon and so on. So where do you think the industry would have gone to in future considering the technology advances day in day out?
Ai is giving a snippet of the new world that is coming where everything is working with an extension. The new big thing in the world of movies is introducing the Metervese and Ai. This means that the way we will be watching movies is as though we are in the movie ourselves. We will be having an experience as if the movie is happening in the real world and real time.
I think Deep Fake would be greatly deployed in movie production where AI generated pseudos of actors would be used to act movies with the actor's talking voice. That would to a large extent reduce the cost of producing a movie.
The movie world belong to metaverse and AI. We are yet to see how it will be but the future of moviemaking will be dorminated by advance technology and use of AI. Youtube and Netflix will stay for some time .
The movie world belong to metaverse and AI. We are yet to see how it will be but the future of moviemaking will be dorminated by advance technology and use of AI. Youtube and Netflix will stay for some time .
The movie world belong to metaverse and AI. We are yet to see how it will be but the future of moviemaking will be dorminated by advance technology and use of AI. Youtube and Netflix will stay for some time .
In my opinion, it will be both cool and sad at the same time, because the films will no longer be so natural and there will be a lot of special effects and even more than now, which disappoints me because, in my opinion, the actors are becoming less talented due to the fact that their acting can be changed for using these functions
The movie industry has gone down drastically. Prior to pandemic, people stopped going to the cinema because of the Netflix and other platforms available. I believe with these innovations, the movie industry will still have a good chance of earning more but not in cinemas but in the comforts of everyone's home.