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Favourite Sleep Position?

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2019
I personally toss and turn around in bed a lot, I’d like some comfortable sleeping positions for me please.
I prefer to sleep angled propped by pillows, on my right side with my legs straight out. For some reason it takes tension off my back. Trouble is, I tend to shift & end up on my back but more times than not, I can stay in that position.
I'm a side sleeper but with that said, I oftentimes find myself waking up on my back.
This is my favorite sleeping position. I don't know how to put it through words so will just put an image below.
I love side sleeping with my hand under my pillow. When I sleep with my chest or with my back, I end up getting hurt, and my back will hurt in the morning, so side sleeping is better for me.