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May 26, 2019
Did anyone play Atari back in the day? I've played either a 2600 or a 5200 I believe. It was alright, I did it when I was younger after I had a Genesis, one of my uncles had an old atari and I remember it being quite the experience. The games weren't the best but I appreciated my Genesis and SNES a lot more after that day. :p
honestly I only had my genesis, and arcade games growing up, got a saturn later then a gamecube.

however I picked up an atari about 5 years ago and I've really enjoyed it... plus sega genesis controllers work on it instead of that clunky joystick and button combo :p
I know we had it. I think I might of played it too when I was younger. Also played the plug in the tv ones they've come out with. My mom has a handheld one too.
My Favorite Atari games are:
Asteroids, shooting asteroids, shooting the occasional UFO for bonus points, don't get crushed.
Joust, ride a flying ostrich thing, knock opponents off theirs... don't get eaten by the flying dino thing.
Space War (the atari version of one of the very first video games... it pre-dates video tic tac toe, and is a 2 player combat game where you slingshot around a central gravity well taking pot shots at each other... there's actually some complex strategies to it as well.
I'm pretty sure I played it at my grandma's home long long ago, but I know I never played the system after getting the NES.
I never have: these consoles were well before my time :p .

Oldest one I've played on is a Sega Mega Drive.
My Mom had an Atari when I was a kid. It was used quite a bit thinking back. If I remember correctly, there were two games we had tendency to play a lot: Kool-Aid Man and Hide and Seek. That was back when games were simple, but so difficult, haha. But it was a lot of fun to play and I'm pretty sure we still have it somewhere. I'll have to go searching for it one of these days.
I remember having the old Atari & having it hooked up to the TV in our kitchen. Considering it was in the 80’s, it was quite good as a starter. Of course, doesn’t compare to consoles now. When we got Nintendo NES, we found several that were remakes of classic Atari games. They were more fun to play back in the day as now the graphics don't hold a candle to newer games. But, it was still enjoyable to reminisce.
I had access to one for a very short amount of time as a child. I don't remember much of those days, but I do remember the fun games that it came with and how simple it was to make an enjoyable 2D game.