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Gaming Cafes?

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Aug 6, 2019
In South Korea, even the smallest towns have at least one, probably three, lol. Well, the demand is huge there - but it just hasn't caught on in the west.

O.K., why do you think it's the case it hasn't caught on? I mean, there are pretty nifty places, honestly! You can get cheap drinks and food and play state of the art PC games! Who wouldn't want that? Also, buying gaming PCs - and games - is outrageous! The cost is very high for younger people (in the west) I think.
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I think you answered it right when you said "You can get cheap drinks and food and play state of the art PC games".

I can do that at home :p .
I would love to see some over here to be honest. I think having somewhere you can game but also grab a quick bite to eat of decent food, or even some coffee, would be fantastic. :)
That would be my biggest concern too, the equipment and it being taken care of/looked after. We used to have a 'modern' arcade of sorts over here awhile back but it closed up. It was actually the first experience I had with an xbox 360 during the 7th generation since at the time I only owned a PS3. That was back in 2008/2009 though.
we have a VR arcade and cafe here in town...

but the closest we have to a communal place for gaming is the local one up Barcade.

which is an arcade, and bar, rolled into one.

they have a wii in the back :p
Hmm , it must be an Asian culture thing - like karaoke. Well, I think South Koreans and Japanese CAN afford gaming PCs - but they like it communal - like with bathing, LOL. Well, anyhow, my friend had a hair-brained idea of making one in Tennessee, USA (my home) - but nothing came of it (around the year 2000).