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Do you use a greenscreen when you stream?

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Smokey's Baby Girl <3
May 26, 2019
England, UK
Epic Creator Code
If you are a live streamer or content creator, you will either use a greenscreen if you wish to keep your background out of the stream or you may not mind the background of your streaming area being exposed to those who watch your streams.

I have a greenscreen which is a webaround and it is super convenient but I have not been using it. The way I have my set up now, you can see my LED lights and even my Christmas tree in the background which I feel is a nice touch.

I keep the greenscreen as you never know :)

Do you use a greenscreen when you stream or create content?
When my friend and I were just planning to start streaming, we thought about buying a green background, but we decided not to do it, but rather put some new and interesting things behind us for each new stream
When my friend and I were just planning to start streaming, we thought about buying a green background, but we decided not to do it, but rather put some new and interesting things behind us for each new stream
Is the color customizable or it is only a green background? Does this mean you could choose another color than a green background?