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Veggies vs Meats?

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2019
Which do you prefer were it up to you to choose what to eat daily? I can do without meats but not veggies.
I like both equally well. However, due to nature - I would have to choose meat over veggies - if it came down to it - but vegetarians have learned to live without meat, mainly by substituting beans I think. I simply haven't tried that - but it's common in Latin America, even among non-vegetarians, to eat beans, simply cause meat is too expensive.

Well, to tell you the truth, I love okra, pinto beans, slaw and a real good sub sandwich, especially from Jersey Mike's. Also, I love Korean food (I used to teach school there.) because it is a very "health food" kind of thing.
I was so into Meats before but my meat intake has come down. Either Saturday or Sunday i go with Meat rest of the time it is Veggie and i am good with it now.