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  1. laifot


    Hello! Is there any sneakerhead over here? what do you collect? I'm collecting adidas sneakers from the 80s since 2015. I got a few pairs for reasonable prizes but the ones i want are really out of my budget..
  2. laifot

    Old School FPS games

    Do you remember Duke Nukem 3d? What about Wolfenstein 3d? DooM series maybe? Blood? Unreal? Quake? I'm always up for a retro game, and maybe i'm skipping legendary titles..
  3. laifot

    AMD or Intel?

    In terms of CPU architecture, we have had this battle for over decades now. What are your thoughts? I was always an Intel user, but since AMD released the Ryzen CPUs, the tables have turned for good, Intel made better cpus instead of just the same cores and speeding up the clock instructions...
  4. laifot


    Any of you use Honeygain? What are your thoughts about it?
  5. laifot


    Do you think that Chess could be considered a sport under your point of view? Is it just a game? no physical preparation for it?
  6. laifot

    Hello Everyone

    Hi! Laifot here! Great to be here with a lot of people that i know! :D
  7. laifot


    Hello! Just landed here and will try to post good content. So far the design is quite good.