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  1. Juneberry

    Jaluna's Youtube

    Hihi! I wanted to share my youtube channel with everyone. I generally post twice a week: a random topic or tag on Wednesdays, and a review of my week on Sundays. I've been doing a lot of health related stuff recently. By that I mean talking about my many health conditions.... But I do...
  2. Juneberry

    Game Trends

    I've noticed in mobile games lately there's one notable trend: A huge chunk of them are match 3 games. Now, I'm not dissing matching games- in fact, I can enjoy them quite a bit seeing as I love puzzles a lot- but why is it every. single. game? I swear I saw ten in a row just the other day on...
  3. Juneberry

    Jaluna's General Blog

    Hihi everyone! I want to share with you a big piece of me, and what better way to do it than share my personal/writing blog? I write three days a week about a variety of topics, based on the day I write them. You'll learn a lot about me, and occasionally my writing, too! I'd love to see what...
  4. Juneberry

    Games You Wish You'd Played

    I think a big issue when it comes to gaming is how hard certain older games are to get nowadays, and many of us missed a chance at least once in a while of playing certain games we were excited for, whether it's because we lacked the proper console or couldn't afford new games. I figured it...
  5. Juneberry

    Degica Rant

    For those of you who have never heard of Degica, you may know their software. In charge of RPGMaker and all it's DLC on steam, they're also the company that is in charge of my comic making software, ComiPo. My ComiPo has never been *fully* stable, but it got worse over time. Now, I can't do...
  6. Juneberry

    What Makes a Hardcore Gamer?

    So I noticed this from another site and became more and more curious as I saw it- but what makes a gamer a 'hardcore gamer' as opposed to a 'casual gamer'? I always see the two terms when looking into new games. But the thing is, when I ask people, I get all sorts of different answers as to what...
  7. Juneberry

    What kind of videos would you expect to see from a writer?

    I have an old youtube account I've been debating reviving. As a writer/editor, I want it to be able to reflect that part of my life... But I'm not sure what to do about it. It's not something that'll happen anytime soon most likely, but I'd like to be prepared. So, what kind of videos would you...
  8. Juneberry

    Your least favorite chore

    Whether you live alone or with family, most of us have chores to do around the house. What's a chore you really can't stand? For me, it's vacuuming. >w<
  9. Juneberry

    What consoles do you own?

    I'm mainly talking about the bigger consoles over mobile ones, but I'd say just list them all! So, what gaming systems do you currently own? I have... N64 x2 Gamecube Wii X-Box 360 PS3 a barely working PSP GBASP 2x DS Lites DSi a 3DS held together by one wire but somehow works if I'm careful.
  10. Juneberry

    Mark Read

    I can find the mark read button within a forum, but I can't find it for the general forums if there's just a lot of threads I'm not interested in. Is it hiding somewhere, or can it be added?
  11. Juneberry

    What Games Are You Playing Right Now?

    It's a simple question: What are the games you've been playing most recently? For me, it's mostly The Sims 4, 100% Orange Juice and some simple mobile games.
  12. Juneberry

    How Long Have You Been Together?

    I've seen this kind of thread/question posed on other sites and I'm just curious now... How long have you been with your special person? Whether you're dating, engaged or married- I'm just curious how long it's been for you guys, and how it's going. If you're not in a relationship right now, you...
  13. Juneberry

    A Migrating Berry Has Arrived!

    Hi guys! I'm Jaluna, a writer/editor, 27 years of age. I love games and was introduced to this forum by through the announcement on Nuclear. I hope this site will be just as fun, if not more so!